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Supporting nurses doing extraordinary things

In a far reaching Global Health talk with Michael Lesner, International Council of Nurses CEO Howard Catton, speaks about the changing image of nurses over recent years. He joined as CEO to debunk the myths.

The International Council of Nurses represents the 27 millions nurses across 130 national nursing associations right around the world.

Transformative AI in a COVID World

urrently working back in the clinic as a pediatric cardiologist after a year in telehealth, Dr Anthony Chang is investigating the short and medium impacts of COVID-19. Another area of focus is using AI, “Swarm Learning” and other technologies to share pediatric cardiology information, such as electronic records or images across health systems in the US and across other countries.
The International Council of Nurses represents the 27 millions nurses across 130 national nursing associations right around the world.

Over 100 years of Advancing Pharmacy Worldwide

Clinical research and trials in the Australia and New Zealand region offer foreign companies an opportunity to collaborate with local institutions, tap into diverse patient populations, access high-quality healthcare infrastructure, and gain regulatory approvals, enabling them to expand their market reach and accelerate the development of innovative medical interventions.

Clinical trials continued in Australia and New Zealand during lockdown, thanks to collaboration between industry and government, allowing the region to attract trials from other countries.

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